Heard that siren crying like I woke up to a war
Like I should hit the floor, slam the cellar door
Instead I’m driving, trying to make it 5 miles more
I’m riding out, riding out the storm
Someone say to me I’m worth saving
That’s all I’m waiting for
I’m riding out the storm
All the toll booths, hard truths, roads that don’t exist
Exits that I missed, rings I had to kiss
Didn’t stop me, cost me all I had and more
I’m riding out, riding out the storm
Someone say to me I’m worth saving
That’s all I’m waiting for
I’m riding out the storm
Am I harder than this rain
Do I have to be harder than the rain
Just say to me I’m worth saving
That’s all I’m waiting for
I’m riding out the storm
© 2018, Bettysoo, Grace Pettis and Rebecca Loebe. All rights reserved.
Album Info
A collaboration with BettySoo & Grace Pettis.
“Caught halfway between arena-country and modern rock…Bandmates Betty Soo, Grace Pettis and Rebecca Loebe are all seasoned songwriters in their own right, too, making “Call Me” an appetizer for the original songs that fill the band’s upcoming release, Waterline.”
– Rolling Stone Country