Welcome, honey, to Queen City,
20 miles west of the line Meridian, Mississippi,
where the beaten path unwinds
Leave your gold, your casseroles, your bottles of sweet red wine
Your losing hand, your wedding band, polished to a shine
No matter what you’re running from
From whichever road you’ve come
Pilgrims, children, want a mother’s arms
Magazines described the scene when the caravans came to town
Twenty thousand strangers crowded in, from all around
Paid respects, Sunday best, a sermon and then a song
Clapping hands, a marching band.
Gild the lily ‘till dawn.
No matter what you’re running from
From whichever road you’ve come
Pilgrims, children, want a mother’s arms
Kelly was buried under
Many stars
Scattered in the sight of God
She had fourteen babies, one unborn
Gravestones, new and worn
Hills of roses, hills of thorns
No matter what you’re running from
From whichever road you’ve come
Pilgrims, children, want a mother’s arms
© 2018, BettySoo, Rebecca Loebe, and Grace Pettis. All rights reserved.
Album Info
A collaboration with BettySoo & Grace Pettis.
“Caught halfway between arena-country and modern rock…Bandmates Betty Soo, Grace Pettis and Rebecca Loebe are all seasoned songwriters in their own right, too, making “Call Me” an appetizer for the original songs that fill the band’s upcoming release, Waterline.”
– Rolling Stone Country