Everyone kicks the tyres
Everyone samples the goods
Some folks even start
With the last page of the book
So what’s with all the rush
To get that old knot tied
When we can always rent
With the option to buy
You’ve ate that piece of fruit
Took it and never paid
You scored a second scoop
While the manager’s away
You don’t have to worry
Let me tell you why
You can always rent
with the option to buy
They say the best things in life are free
So why oh why would you marry me
A rolling contract not tied in
We’ll be just as happy living in sin
The Ball’s not too heavy
The chain’s not too tight
We can always rent
With the option to buy
You would if you could don’t lie
Let me tell you why
We can always rent
With the option to buy
© 2019, Rebecca Loebe. All rights reserved.
Album Info
02. Bad Medicine
03. Kilimanjaro
04. Option to Buy
05. Filthy Jokes
06. Joy to the World, I Guess [reprise]
The Filthy Jokes EP is the result of eighteen months of transatlantic collaboration. Written and recorded across an ocean and many time zones, the album features six tracks Loebe and Napier composed and perform collaboratively.